These represent the larval stage of a scarabaeoid beetle, are typically ‘C’ shaped and feed on the roots of lawns. They pupate in the soil and do not make a cocoon. They have a fairly long life cycle and remain in their larval stage for up to three years before they pupate.

How serious is a white grub problem?
White grubs can easily decimate an entire lawn by cutting off and eating all the roots of the grass. They kill the grass in sometimes vast patches radiating out from a central point. They are difficult to control because of their depth in the soil profile.
What are the signs of a white grub problem?
White grub infestations typically present with patches of lawn that suddenly dry out. On closer inspection, the dead lawn can be rolled up like a carpet with ease as all the roots have been eaten. Under-foot the affected area feels spongy and well aerated because of grub movements underground. Dig down approx 5-10cm around the edges of the affected areas and medium (3-4cm) and or large (5-8cm) sized ‘C’ shaped white grubs are typically found.

What we will do
We will confirm there is in fact a white grub infestation when we inspect the severity of the situation. Typically the entire lawn will need to be treated; sometimes multiple treatments are required to eliminate these pests.